If I understand, you want to reuse the "retrieve Shipments" from the Sales Order Tracker?
It is a system tracker that uses a business object instead of a BAQ.
You can see this if you enable tracing options, review the log
... below is.part of trace log from the sales order tracker, retrieve shipment...
<parameter name='orderNum' type='int' ><![CDATA[xxxxxxx]]></parameter>
Sometimes the trace log identifies all the tables/fields you need to build your own BAQ... but not always.
Also if you have access to EpicWeb, you could to download the Business Logic Tester.
I think it is a useful tool to get a feel for the business objects, how to interact with them & how they might apply in a customization.
If I understand, you want to reuse the "retrieve Shipments" from the Sales Order Tracker?
It is a system tracker that uses a business object instead of a BAQ.
You can see this if you enable tracing options, review the log
... below is.part of trace log from the sales order tracker, retrieve shipment...
<parameter name='orderNum' type='int' ><![CDATA[xxxxxxx]]></parameter>
Sometimes the trace log identifies all the tables/fields you need to build your own BAQ... but not always.
Also if you have access to EpicWeb, you could to download the Business Logic Tester.
I think it is a useful tool to get a feel for the business objects, how to interact with them & how they might apply in a customization.