We experienced the same thing when upgrading from 6.1 to 8.03.408. For us the issue was that our parts do not have standard costs but the costing method selected in part maintenance was std. As a result, Vantage was interpreting this to mean the part std. costs = $0.00, so all costs on the make direct job were variances. The system then used the MFG-VAR transaction type instead of the MFG-CUS transaction when we shipped the parts. Once we changed the costing method to average, the system started using the MFG-CUS transaction type and was posting costs correctly through AR clearing before moving them to COS, based on the product group.
Virginia Joseph
Deep Hole Specialists, LLC
Virginia Joseph
Deep Hole Specialists, LLC
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "claire_paul@..." <claire_paul@...> wrote:
> We have an issue with COS postings. E9 is defaulting to transaction type MFG-VAR should be using MFG-CUS which means costs are posted straight to COS not going through AR Clearing. Is this to do with the company set up?