Transaction Types included in C.O.S. and To Inventory (WIP Repor

Did you ever get your Crystal WIP Report done? I am looking for a Crystal Version also. Care to share it?

George Hicks

--- In, "kasa_it" <it@...> wrote:
> I'm working on creating a Crystal Report version of the WIP report and was curious what transaction types from the PartTran table are included in the To Inventory and C.O.S. rows of the WIP report.
> Does anyone happen to know?
> Thank you!
> -Austin
I'm working on creating a Crystal Report version of the WIP report and was curious what transaction types from the PartTran table are included in the To Inventory and C.O.S. rows of the WIP report.

Does anyone happen to know?

Thank you!
If you open up the report and then click on Help...this report has
extensive information in the help section.

I think it will tell you this as well. It has been a while since I
looked at this file.

M. Manasa Reddy

manasa@... <mailto:manasa@...>


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From: [] On Behalf
Of kasa_it
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 10:55 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Transaction Types included in C.O.S. and To Inventory
(WIP Report)

I'm working on creating a Crystal Report version of the WIP report and
was curious what transaction types from the PartTran table are included
in the To Inventory and C.O.S. rows of the WIP report.

Does anyone happen to know?

Thank you!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

If you have multiple plants, for a given plant WIP report, you might need to review also transaction type MFG-PLT

These are the transactions type I found making up the the WIP report. Hope this helps

--- In, "kasa_it" <it@...> wrote:
> I'm working on creating a Crystal Report version of the WIP report and was curious what transaction types from the PartTran table are included in the To Inventory and C.O.S. rows of the WIP report.
> Does anyone happen to know?
> Thank you!
> -Austin
We're looking at doing the same thing. There's a report and BAQ available for download but the links are invalid. Did you complete your Crystal Report?

--- In, "kasa_it" <it@...> wrote:
> I'm working on creating a Crystal Report version of the WIP report and was curious what transaction types from the PartTran table are included in the To Inventory and C.O.S. rows of the WIP report.
> Does anyone happen to know?
> Thank you!
> -Austin