Transition from E9 to E10, when to freeze development?

Hi All,

We’re in the process of transitioning from E9 to E10(plan is to transition at first of the year). We just did our first DB conversion and have a couple users logged in - exciting times! Anyway, I’m sitting down now to wrap up a new customization I’m working on. It’s being written in C# as I understand it should uplift to E10 without issues(we’ve stopped development on things we know won’t uplift to E10 cleanly - updateable dashboards, progress bpms, etc). So I’m sitting here thinking at what point should we stop all development in E9. I’m thinking after our second db conversion we should put a freeze on development. Does that sound reasonable? Does anyone have any advise?

Personally I would stop it Nov 1st if you are going live Jan 1. We are going live on Dec 1 and stopped all in E9 on Oct 1st.