Trying to create a dashboard that only pulls items that have comments against them, having trouble with the calculated Field

Hi All,

This is my first post, after going to Epicor Insights this year I’ve learned quite a lot and have been introduced to this forum. I am not a programmer but in a small business you are meant to wear multiple hats and i’m in need of some help with company specific requirements.
I have created a dashboard using Labour detail to have a daily view of downtime reported against machines
I have been able to make the dashboard do input prompt based on the IndirCode, but that only lets me search one at a time.
I’m looking to make my dashboard show me any and all input prompts (downtime codes from MES) so that it is a total view for all of my resources that have shown downtime within a set date range.

Would anyone be able to help me with the code that i require in order to search all input prompts or specific input prompts, or let me know if i’m approaching this the wrong way.

Much appreciated


Show us what you got for your baq and I’m sure we can get you the answer

In your BAQ, simply ass a filter to hide any records that have blank data in the fields you are interested in.

Hi Time,

First off thanks for sitting down with me at the conference to discuss my Part and production issues. I was able to determine over the weekend that epicor has a compounding and blending industry extension tool that can be purchased to help me with my part utilization for MRP and PO suggestions. Still working on fixing up my parts though.

In regards to hide records that have blank data, i’m not sure what I would need to use in the filter, or exactly how to filter by no text.

Hi Aaron,

Thanks for the reply, below is my code. I am looking to only pull up items that have an Indirect Code.
Currently i have used my dashboard custom tracker view to pull a date range and a drop down (combo box) for the different codes. What i would like to be able to do is sort by date range and see all indirect codes instead of just one. Really my issue is that i’m not sure what code to use in order to do specific actions.

[LaborDtl].[Company] as [LaborDtl_Company],
[LaborDtl].[EmployeeNum] as [LaborDtl_EmployeeNum],
[LaborDtl].[JobNum] as [LaborDtl_JobNum],
[LaborDtl].[OprSeq] as [LaborDtl_OprSeq],
[LaborDtl].[ResourceGrpID] as [LaborDtl_ResourceGrpID],
[LaborDtl].[OpCode] as [LaborDtl_OpCode],
[LaborDtl].[LaborQty] as [LaborDtl_LaborQty],
[LaborDtl].[IndirectCode] as [LaborDtl_IndirectCode],
[LaborDtl].[LaborNote] as [LaborDtl_LaborNote],
[LaborDtl].[Complete] as [LaborDtl_Complete],
[LaborDtl].[ClockInDate] as [LaborDtl_ClockInDate],
[LaborDtl].[ClockinTime] as [LaborDtl_ClockinTime],
[LaborDtl].[ClockOutTime] as [LaborDtl_ClockOutTime],
[LaborDtl].[DspClockInTime] as [LaborDtl_DspClockInTime],
[LaborDtl].[DspClockOutTime] as [LaborDtl_DspClockOutTime],
[LaborDtl].[ResourceID] as [LaborDtl_ResourceID],
[LaborDtl].[LaborEntryMethod] as [LaborDtl_LaborEntryMethod],
[LaborDtl].[CreatedBy] as [LaborDtl_CreatedBy],
[LaborDtl].[CreateDate] as [LaborDtl_CreateDate],
[LaborDtl].[CreateTime] as [LaborDtl_CreateTime],
[LaborDtl].[TimeStatus] as [LaborDtl_TimeStatus],
[LaborDtl].[Shift] as [LaborDtl_Shift],
[LaborDtl].[BatchLaborHrs] as [LaborDtl_BatchLaborHrs],
[LaborDtl].[BatchQty] as [LaborDtl_BatchQty],
[LaborDtl].[Downtime] as [LaborDtl_Downtime]
from Erp.LaborDtl as LaborDtl

Your BAQ is about a straight forward as you can get, being that it’s simply displaying fields from a single table.
As @timshuwy suggested, you can create a filter on your table criteria to exclude any blank data fields.

If you are familiar with SQL, this is analogous to a WHERE Clause.
To add a table criteria, you will select the table you’re filtering and then at the bottom of the screen, to the Table Criteria Tab. Click the “new” button in this area to create a filter and then set you field, operation, and filter value.