Trying to find PlantConfCtrl table for DMT


I am setting up 18 different sites in one company. We’d like all sites to be able to utilize Transfer Orders to each other. This would mean about 300 lines to bring in.

I’m setting up all the Transfer Definitions and I’m able to update most of what I need to via DMT, except for the Transfer Order Number Prefix for each line. I can’t seem to navigate to the correct table to get to the highlighted field.

Does anyone know which table I would use to get to this field, or a way to search within DMT to find a field hidden within a table?

It’s here:

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Welcome to the group!

So… it looks to be here:


The DMT usually aligns with DB structure, but sometimes, well, it does not.

Primary bin is in the PlantWhse table, but in DMT it’s in Part Warehouse (like the UI does it).

I don’t know if there’s a way to find this info; it’s just guessing and memory for me.

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Thank you both! Can’t believe I overlooked that, but easy to do when in a hurry. I appreciate the help!

Hello again -

Now that I’ve imported the transfer definitions, our accounting team was asking whether we could DMT the GL Control Code for each transfer definition.

We have 18 different sites; each site could possibly Transfer Order to any of the remaining 17 sites. Right now, we know how to manually add the GL Control type and code to each transfer definition (Site Config>Details>Inventory>Transfer Definition>Transfer Def Details>GL Control), but with about 300 setups to do (to account for all combinations), we’d like to DMT.

I found what I thought was the correct table to DMT into, but when I tested with a single line, it didn’t seem to do anything.

I see I can BAQ from the GLCTEntity table, but not sure I can DMT it in…not sure if Plant Config CtrolEGLC is the correct table, but it was the closest to what I was looking for.



I just feel sorry for you. When I set up a third site, I remember thinking "this is a lot of work with these transfer definitions!

I mean, you don’t need to allow all possible combinations. We have 3 sites (let’s say M, T and P), and yet I only set up 4 combinations.

  • M to P
  • M to T
  • P to M
  • T to M
  • But not P to T, nor T to P

If we try to transfer one of those last two, it blocks the user. That’s built-in, not a BPM.

Anyway, I guess all you can do is try it in a test environment. Seems right.

I’ve never heard of GLCTEntity; I only knew of EntityGLC. I guess those are different?

Yes, it may be that we ask our site managers to spell out which site-to-site transfers have ever happened in the past. There is a difference between what they might possibly transfer vs. what they would likely transfer. :grinning:

I use the Field Help option to find that the GLCTEntity is in the “Like” field, not in the EpBinding or DBField area. Maybe that makes a difference on whether or not things can be imported?

Thanks for the reply!

Replying to this as I found a solution that worked for me, in case anyone else has the same task:

  1. Used PowerQuery to create all possible combinations between all the sites (then realized I could create a BAQ with PlantTranDef table, and show FromSite and ToSite fields which is much easier, and Copy All with Labels to Excel :upside_down_face:).
  2. The DMT table is Entity GL Control, not Plant Config CtrlEGLC as I once thought.
  3. The template file is thankfully fairly simple:
  4. Tested import with a few rows…looks good!
  5. Imported full file.
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