We have done customization in UD forms & some other base forms also. These customizations are working in Window Forms. When we are login through Epicor Web Access, UD form is showing blank. Please suggest, how to attach customization to web forms.
Hello @Hari_Dutt!
Open your customization in “Customization Maintenance” and go to Actions-> Generate Web Form. This generates the code required to run your customization on the web. Keep in mind that not all code translates perfectly when converted… you may have to refactor some of your code to get it to work. The amount you have to refactor may influence how much of the code you end up moving to server-side logic instead of client-side.
Thanks Josephmoeller. I have generated the web form successfully. I have refactor the some code.
Can you please let me know, in web form how to get csm object?
csm object no found in web page.
private void BindGridData()
string whereClouse = “Company = '” + session.CompanyID + “’ AND Key3 = '” + session.UserID + “’ AND CheckBox01 = false”;
DataSet objds = csm.GetSearchRecords(“UD13Adapter”, “UD13”, whereClouse);
if (objds != null && objds.Tables.Count > 0 && objds.Tables[“UD13”].Rows.Count > 0 )
if(objds.Tables[“UD13”].Rows[0][“Character01”].ToString()== “1”)
grdList.DataSource = objds.Tables[“UD13”];
catch(Exception ex)
Please format your code
Dear Josecgomez, Could you please provide proper format?