UD table security

I am looking to add a UD table as a child to the payroll employee table. Is there a way to put a UD table (the whole thing) at the same security as the payroll security? So that only people with payroll security can see the information? And anyone with payroll security so we don’t have to manage individual securities? I can see the field security maintenance, but that one doesn’t have payroll (that I can find) in there.

Or do I need to just lock it down to specific personnel?

You can by using Field Security sorry answered before reading all the way (my auto like program is buggy lmao)… You’ll need to create a PayRoll user group and then use field security.

Is there a group that ties it to payroll?

Sorry hit go before the answer was ready, re-read response.

You’re not the only one who reads things too fast! haha.

Create your own security group called Payroll. Then tie the menu option down to that security group, as well as any users that are supposed to be in it.