(Toby Lai)
September 30, 2019, 6:27am
I am trying to do some error checking before a particular field in UD10 is being updated.
So I created Pre-Processing BPM.
If I have just one Show Message Widget, the Show message will only display once.
Now, when I add the Raise Exception Widget after the Show Message, the Message will display 3 times and the Raise Exception will display 3 times.
Am I doing the error checking in the wrong place?
(Surendra Pal)
September 30, 2019, 10:12am
Hi @TobyLai ,
put the condition widget before your error message.
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(Toby Lai)
October 1, 2019, 5:37am
My question is more like why if the Show Message will show only once when there is no Exception.
When there is exception, it will display 3 times.
I have put the condition before the show Message, it doesn’t seem to work. Any ideas?
Hi @TobyLai ,
not sure how you are implementing above code. what version you are ?
(Zoher Ali)
October 1, 2019, 9:59am
@TobyLai , I have tried to recreate same BPM as your’s but I am getting Error message just one time.
There might be some BPM cache issue. Try running Directive update for your BPM.
(Toby Lai)
October 2, 2019, 12:34am
Found the problem. There is some customization code in the dashboard that will trigger save again. -_-;;;;;;
Sorry all.
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