UltraGrid Selected Cell Location

How do I get the X Y position of a selected cell within an ultragrid?



Thanks Aaron, but not quite. What i tried to use was

grdProject.GetCellDisplayRectangle(args.Cell.Column.Index, args.Cell.Row.Index, true);

but that method doesn’t seem to exist on these UltraGrids.

Can I ask what the goal is?

I’m trying to add a date picker to my schedule grids. I add my resources via drag and drop from the right and then want to modify the dates next to their names for the date span they are on site.

The date picker that I have on there works fine because I jerry-rigged it into position based on default cell size. If I expand the column or row sizes it goes out of whack. I would like to always overlap the date picker over the cell based on the cell’s position. I can find the cell size no problem, but not position.

If your Cell is of type DateTime it should automatically do the DateTimePicker for you… does it not?

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Nice Jose!

I had the typeof set to DateTime and I was thinking that it was because I was assigning the grid myself but I had the grid locked down (AllowUpdate = False) which stopped the date picker.

Thanks, for making me dig back into that.

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