If you don't have this solved yet ... here's how we work around this in 8.03.405.
Put the quantity you want to return as a positive, enter your SNs, then come back and change the quantity to the negative qty before you save.
Put the quantity you want to return as a positive, enter your SNs, then come back and change the quantity to the negative qty before you save.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, rob.sample@... wrote:
> Using 8.03.408B and I can not find a way to undo a job receipt to inventory for SN tracked parts. Parts were received against the wrong job and I am trying to back out the receipt so that they can be re-received against the proper job. I have tried putting negative qty in the job receipt to inv screen, but when I click on SNs it brings up a SN detail screen which has no place to add, select, or enter serial numbers.
> I was on the phone with Epicor for 40minutes and got no help at all.
> Does anyone have a workaround for this? Am I doing something wrong?