In order to support legacy conversions who had no desire and/or requirement for unicode support.
Michael Barry
Aspacia Systems Inc
312.803.0730 fax
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Michael Barry
Aspacia Systems Inc
312.803.0730 fax
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On Apr 1, 2010, at 7:55 AM, Pim Zandbergen wrote:
> Can anyone tell what the use is of having a non-unicode version
> of Epicor 9 for SQL Server?
> There must be some advantage, because Epicor keeps maintaining
> and introducing versions that lack Unicode support.
> When Vantage 8 for Progress databases was released, it was
> defaulting to Unicode (UTF-8) from the start. There still is only a
> Unicode version of Epicor 9 for Progress. This makes sense.
> The first Vantage 8 release for SQL Server lacked Unicode
> support. Later, a second Unicode capable version was
> introduced. The difference was such that Epicor must maintain
> different R-Code for unicode and non-unicode variants.
> Therefore, it surprises me they keep maintaining the
> non-unicode version, and even lift it to new architectures,
> like the upcoming native 64-bit variants.
> As far as I can tell, it does not matter for SQL Server
> itself whether you store Unicode data or not. SQL Server
> always stores everything as double-width UTF-16, so
> there is no gain or loss in disk usage or bandwidth.
> So why all the fuss to keep such a deficiency intact?
> Thanks,
> Pim
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