Is there a way to unpost an AR invoice group?
OR is there a way to print the edit list of a posted group?
Is there a way to unpost an AR invoice group?
OR is there a way to print the edit list of a posted group?
TranGLC should have what you need for the details.
But once you post, youâre toast.
Correct as far as once your posted.
However, due to many issues over the years, we had to create a solution to re-print an Edit List and/or Reprint a group of invoices.
Let me dig up the scripts required.
I found the process.
First and foremost you need to create a group with the same GROUPID and Invoice Date as the group you used when you originally posted it. Once you have that group, follow these SQL queries/updates.
For the purpose of this example, my posted GROUPID was named âARINVGRPâ and my InvoiceDate was â07-13-20â.
I hope this helps. Please make sure you put all the flags back as indicated in steps 4,5,6 so nobody tries to post it.
âQuery 1. To mark invoices as unposted and not printed
UPDATE Erp.InvcHead
SET Posted = 0, DocumentPrinted = 0
WHERE groupid = âARINVGRPâ and posted = 1 and invoicedate = â07-13-20â
âQuery 2. Copy necessary information from invoice header and lines to UD table
INSERT INTO Ice.UD36 (Company, Date01, Checkbox01, Key1, Key2, Key3,ShortChar01, Number01, Number02, checkbox02, checkbox03)
select, a.invoicedate, a.posted, a.groupid, b.invoicenum, b.invoiceline, a.groupid, b.invoicenum, b.invoiceline, a.ReadyToCalc, b.TaxConnectCalc
from erp.invchead a inner join erp.invcdtl b on = and a.invoicenum = b.invoicenum
where groupid = âARINVGRPâ and posted = 0 and a.invoicedate = â07-13-20â
âQuery 3. Mark the InvcDtl.TaxConnectCalc = false to be able to print invoices again
SET b.TaxConnectCalc = 0
from erp.invchead a inner join erp.invcdtl b on = and a.invoicenum = b.invoicenum
where groupid = âARINVGRPâ and posted = 0 and a.invoicedate = â07-13-20â
*** You can now run your Edit List and/or Print Invoices ***
âQuery 4. To mark invoices as posted again
UPDATE Erp.InvcHead
SET Posted = 1
WHERE Groupid = âARINVGRPâ and posted = 0 and invoicedate = â07-13-20â
âQuery 5. Reset the InvcDtl.TaxConnectCalc with the original value stored on the UD36
SET b.TaxConnectCalc = c.CheckBox03
â SELECT, b.InvoiceNum, b.InvoiceLine, b.TaxConnectCalc, c.Company, c.Number01, c.Number02, c.checkbox03
FROM Erp.InvcDtl b INNER JOIN Ice.UD36 c on = c.Company AND b.InvoiceNum = c.Number01 AND b.InvoiceLine = c.Number02
WHERE c.Company = âMAXONâ and c.Key1 = âARINVGRPâ
âQuery 6. Delete Ice.UD36 records
WHERE Company = âMAXONâ and Key1 = âARINVGRPâ
Just for the new kids in town, directly updating your Epicor database is not supported by Epicor and is in violation of their support agreement. If you damage your database, Epicor wonât leave you high and dry but you will most likely be charged Time and Materials by Professional Services to fix the issue if they can.
Very true statement!!!