UOM class time - convert between sec and year?

Setting up our UOM classes, and we are on the ‘TIME’ UOM class. We set the base unit as seconds and are adding YEAR, and trying to enter the conversion from seconds to year, which is 31,536,000 and it won’t let us enter that value. Any ideas?


Hmmmm. Don’t use Seconds as your Base UOM and use something else like Days or Hours and then use Decimals to convert to UOM’s less than a Day or Hours. Then you would not need to enter such a large number for the conversion.

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OK we just figured that seconds should be the best base unit for time. And it’s weird that it doesn’t accept enough decimals.

On the technical side this field is defined as decimal(17,7) so it should allow 10 digits before the decimal point.

Seems this restriction is due to the field mask, I think this can be modified through a personalization but I’m not sure.

Also … there are 31,557,600 seconds in a year.

But seriously … Why are you setting up so many UOM’s? You really should only set up the absolute bare minimum that you need at the moment. Don’t even add common ones that you don’t use.

Because once one is used, you’ll never be able to get rid of it or change it.

Of all the things I wish I had did better when implementing E10, all werer related to UOM’s.

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You might try creating an Updateble dashboard. in there you can override the rules for this column so you can enter this value one time. once entered, you should never have to edit it again.

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Thanks all, I think we will just leave it off for now. Not really sure we would need it anyways.

I’d love to hear any other suggestions/pitfalls you have with UOMs!

I wish I had implemented a check for the UOM Class, on a new part creation. The hardest UOM issue to try and correct is a wrong UOM Class being assigned to a part, and then transactions happening to that part.

We have pseudo-intelligent part numbers. They start with a 2 character code as a pseudo class. For example, part numbers for wire and cable all take the form like CB-0123. 99% of the time they should be Class LENGTH, but our default class is COUNT, so they end up defaulting to UOM of EA. To “fix” this problem, I’ve actually had to create a UOM named EAFT, for the Class COUNT. Then when these parts (that are stuck with Class COUNT) are used, the user selects EAFT as the UOM.

Not pretty, but the alternate is to make a new P/N (with the correct UOM), and then inactivate the old one.

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