UOM error when applying, '9.0 must be installed to to run the AP

Are you upgrading straight to 9.04.507A or are you going to 9 first. Then you can go to 9.04.xxx.

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Clive" <clive.1972@...> wrote:
> I was just wondering if anyone has had this error at all, whilst I wait for Epicor to attempt to answer my support call.
> When performing the data conversion from Vantage 8.03.407 to 9.04.507A I get the following error when attempting to apply the pre prepared UOM data from the UOMDB database...
> 9.0 must be installed to to run the APPLY process
> ... initialy I read too much into the installation guide and copied over the actual UOMDB file itself which you don't do, just the other files.
> So as a first attenpt to sort this out I took the UOMDB file from an installation of 9.05.606 just to see if this would get rid of the error, which unfortunately it did not.
> Thanks.
I was just wondering if anyone has had this error at all, whilst I wait for Epicor to attempt to answer my support call.

When performing the data conversion from Vantage 8.03.407 to 9.04.507A I get the following error when attempting to apply the pre prepared UOM data from the UOMDB database...

9.0 must be installed to to run the APPLY process

... initialy I read too much into the installation guide and copied over the actual UOMDB file itself which you don't do, just the other files.

So as a first attenpt to sort this out I took the UOMDB file from an installation of 9.05.606 just to see if this would get rid of the error, which unfortunately it did not.

So it's now the 11th October and I still have this error, and I've re installed 9.04.507A just in case.

I've a support call open with Epicor, and I've a call open for consulting to contact me as I'm happy to pay to get this resolved but 5 working days have gone by and no one's contacted me.

I'm following the guides, and a few other instructions I have, to the letter and I'm stumped as to why this is occuring. Is this a software issue, data / DB or user error ?.

Is there anyone here who's able to assist me with this, I'm happy to pay but Epicor are just moving so painfully slowly.


--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Clive" <clive.1972@...> wrote:
> I was just wondering if anyone has had this error at all, whilst I wait for Epicor to attempt to answer my support call.
> When performing the data conversion from Vantage 8.03.407 to 9.04.507A I get the following error when attempting to apply the pre prepared UOM data from the UOMDB database...
> 9.0 must be installed to to run the APPLY process
> ... initialy I read too much into the installation guide and copied over the actual UOMDB file itself which you don't do, just the other files.
> So as a first attenpt to sort this out I took the UOMDB file from an installation of 9.05.606 just to see if this would get rid of the error, which unfortunately it did not.
> Thanks.
We were always told by Epicor that we have to be on 8.03.409C before our move to Epicor 9. Not sure if that makes a difference in your case or not... :(

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Clive" <clive.1972@...> wrote:
> So it's now the 11th October and I still have this error, and I've re installed 9.04.507A just in case.
> I've a support call open with Epicor, and I've a call open for consulting to contact me as I'm happy to pay to get this resolved but 5 working days have gone by and no one's contacted me.
> I'm following the guides, and a few other instructions I have, to the letter and I'm stumped as to why this is occuring. Is this a software issue, data / DB or user error ?.
> Is there anyone here who's able to assist me with this, I'm happy to pay but Epicor are just moving so painfully slowly.
> Thanks.
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Clive" <clive.1972@> wrote:
> >
> > I was just wondering if anyone has had this error at all, whilst I wait for Epicor to attempt to answer my support call.
> >
> > When performing the data conversion from Vantage 8.03.407 to 9.04.507A I get the following error when attempting to apply the pre prepared UOM data from the UOMDB database...
> >
> > 9.0 must be installed to to run the APPLY process
> >
> > ... initialy I read too much into the installation guide and copied over the actual UOMDB file itself which you don't do, just the other files.
> >
> > So as a first attenpt to sort this out I took the UOMDB file from an installation of 9.05.606 just to see if this would get rid of the error, which unfortunately it did not.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
Unfortunately I still get the same error if I upgrade from 8.03.407 to 409C first before going to 9.04.507A :(

I understand some changes were made to the 9800 conversion program in 8.03.408 but God know what they were ?...

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "mattcald_73" <matt@...> wrote:
> We were always told by Epicor that we have to be on 8.03.409C before our move to Epicor 9. Not sure if that makes a difference in your case or not... :(
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Clive" <clive.1972@> wrote:
> >
> > So it's now the 11th October and I still have this error, and I've re installed 9.04.507A just in case.
> >
> > I've a support call open with Epicor, and I've a call open for consulting to contact me as I'm happy to pay to get this resolved but 5 working days have gone by and no one's contacted me.
> >
> > I'm following the guides, and a few other instructions I have, to the letter and I'm stumped as to why this is occuring. Is this a software issue, data / DB or user error ?.
> >
> > Is there anyone here who's able to assist me with this, I'm happy to pay but Epicor are just moving so painfully slowly.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Clive" <clive.1972@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I was just wondering if anyone has had this error at all, whilst I wait for Epicor to attempt to answer my support call.
> > >
> > > When performing the data conversion from Vantage 8.03.407 to 9.04.507A I get the following error when attempting to apply the pre prepared UOM data from the UOMDB database...
> > >
> > > 9.0 must be installed to to run the APPLY process
> > >
> > > ... initialy I read too much into the installation guide and copied over the actual UOMDB file itself which you don't do, just the other files.
> > >
> > > So as a first attenpt to sort this out I took the UOMDB file from an installation of 9.05.606 just to see if this would get rid of the error, which unfortunately it did not.
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> > >
> >
Slowly getting somewhere on this, and I thought I'd post an update as maybe someone else has had the same issue ?.

It turns out that the route cause of this is that as part of the 9.04 schema change the new UOM fields/columns are not being added to the tables (Part etc) at all. The wierd thing is that the schema change comes up with no errors, either during the process itself or in any log files.

Epicor has a copy of our DB to examine and run the schema change on it themselves. SO do we have a problem with the data in our db or is it something else ?...

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Clive" <clive.1972@...> wrote:
> Unfortunately I still get the same error if I upgrade from 8.03.407 to 409C first before going to 9.04.507A :(
> I understand some changes were made to the 9800 conversion program in 8.03.408 but God know what they were ?...
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "mattcald_73" <matt@> wrote:
> >
> > We were always told by Epicor that we have to be on 8.03.409C before our move to Epicor 9. Not sure if that makes a difference in your case or not... :(
> >
> > --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Clive" <clive.1972@> wrote:
> > >
> > > So it's now the 11th October and I still have this error, and I've re installed 9.04.507A just in case.
> > >
> > > I've a support call open with Epicor, and I've a call open for consulting to contact me as I'm happy to pay to get this resolved but 5 working days have gone by and no one's contacted me.
> > >
> > > I'm following the guides, and a few other instructions I have, to the letter and I'm stumped as to why this is occuring. Is this a software issue, data / DB or user error ?.
> > >
> > > Is there anyone here who's able to assist me with this, I'm happy to pay but Epicor are just moving so painfully slowly.
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> > >
> > > --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Clive" <clive.1972@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I was just wondering if anyone has had this error at all, whilst I wait for Epicor to attempt to answer my support call.
> > > >
> > > > When performing the data conversion from Vantage 8.03.407 to 9.04.507A I get the following error when attempting to apply the pre prepared UOM data from the UOMDB database...
> > > >
> > > > 9.0 must be installed to to run the APPLY process
> > > >
> > > > ... initialy I read too much into the installation guide and copied over the actual UOMDB file itself which you don't do, just the other files.
> > > >
> > > > So as a first attenpt to sort this out I took the UOMDB file from an installation of 9.05.606 just to see if this would get rid of the error, which unfortunately it did not.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks.
> > > >
> > >
> >