Are you upgrading straight to 9.04.507A or are you going to 9 first. Then you can go to
--- In, "Clive" <clive.1972@...> wrote:
> I was just wondering if anyone has had this error at all, whilst I wait for Epicor to attempt to answer my support call.
> When performing the data conversion from Vantage 8.03.407 to 9.04.507A I get the following error when attempting to apply the pre prepared UOM data from the UOMDB database...
> 9.0 must be installed to to run the APPLY process
> ... initialy I read too much into the installation guide and copied over the actual UOMDB file itself which you don't do, just the other files.
> So as a first attenpt to sort this out I took the UOMDB file from an installation of 9.05.606 just to see if this would get rid of the error, which unfortunately it did not.
> Thanks.