Update of Resource Table

I am trying to update Date01 in the resource table from the resource scheduling board. I keep gettin an error(Update of Resource not allowed) I have done this many times before with other tables so I am not sure what could be wrong. Here is my code, maybe I am just having a moment:

Dim SchedControl As EpiDataView = Ctype(oTrans.EpiDataViews("SchedControl"),EpiDataView)

Dim resourceID As String = SchedControl.dataView(SchedControl.Row)("ResourceID")

Dim ResourceAdapt As ResourceAdapter = New ResourceAdapter(ResourceSchedForm)

Dim Resource As Boolean = ResourceAdapt.GetByID(resourceID)

ResourceAdapt.ResourceData.Tables("Resource").Rows(0)("Date01") = dteEpiCustom1.Value
ResourceAdapt.ResourceData.Tables("Resource").Rows(0)("Number01") = nedEpiCustom1.Value
