Hi. I want to store the Due Date if it is changed and although it doesn’t update automatically there is a PreviousDueDate field. I thought the best way to do this would be using a .p file in a BAM but I can’t seem to get it to update the record.
I have the following:
{ud/GlbAlert.i &TableName = “PORel”}
run lib\updatetablebuffer.p(input BUFFER PORel:HANDLE, PreviousDueDate,OLDPORel.DueDate).
I have also tried ‘assign’, and using a UD date field and neither of those options seem to work either. I know the field names are correct as the .p file also sends an email confirming the data.
Am I missing something or do I need to do this another way? Thanks.
If I do it by Pre-Process the data is shown correctly in the server log but the file just doesn’t update:
[17/01/12@12:34:08.220+0000] P-004256 T-004260 1 AS – (Procedure: ‘UpdatePre246_A1 bo/PO.p’ Line:4737) BPM Running - Due Date Changed - PORel Num-Line-Rel \ Due Date: 41018-2-1 \ 12/28/16
[17/01/12@12:34:08.220+0000] P-004256 T-004260 1 AS – ** No _File record is available. (91)
[17/01/12@12:34:08.220+0000] P-004256 T-004260 1 AS – ** 4GL Debug-Alert Stack Trace **
[17/01/12@12:34:08.220+0000] P-004256 T-004260 1 AS – --> lib\updatetablebuffer.p (E:\epicor\mfgsys803400\Server\lib\updatetablebuffer.r) at line 483
If I try using a Post-Process then the tt table already has the new data so I tried passing a string with the information but regardless of if I use the main table or tt table I still have the same issue that the data is showing correctly in the server log but the update isn’t being processed.