Updating UD Field in Sales Order Release Table

Good morning,
I am working on a bit of code to update a UD field in the OrderRel table called Character01.

This bit of code works for updating the UD char field:

    MyOrder = xRow.OrderRel_OrderNum;
    MyLine = xRow.OrderRel_OrderLine;
    MyRel = xRow.OrderRel_OrderRelNum;
    MyDate = xRow.Calculated_MinDate;
    Erp.Tables.OrderRel OrderRel;
    using (var txscope1 = IceDataContext.CreateDefaultTransactionScope())
     foreach (var rel in (from rRow in Db.OrderRel where rRow.OrderNum == MyOrder && rRow.OrderLine == MyLine && rRow.OrderRelNum == MyRel select rRow))
      if (rel != null)
        string DateNew = String.Format("{0:M/d/yyyy}", MyDate);
        string DateOld = String.Format("{0:M/d/yyyy}", rel.ReqDate);
        rel.Character01 =  BpmFunc.Now() + "--- System updated release " +  MyRel + " in order " + MyOrder + " on line " +  MyLine + "." + " Old Date: " + DateOld + " New Date: " + DateNew;
        rel.ReqDate = MyDate;
        rel.NeedByDate = MyDate;
        UpdateCount = UpdateCount + 1;

However, when I try to update the UD field here, the code doesn’t work:

using (Erp.Contracts.SalesOrderSvcContract soSvc =  Ice.Assemblies.ServiceRenderer.GetService<Erp.Contracts.SalesOrderSvcContract>(Db))
      SalesOrderTableset SOTS = soSvc.GetByID(MyOrder);  
      var desiredReleases = SOTS.OrderRel.Where(r => r.OrderLine == MyLine && r.OrderRelNum == MyRel); 
      MyDate = xRow.OrderRel_ReqDate;
      foreach(var rel in desiredReleases)
        string DateNew = String.Format("{0:M/d/yyyy}", MyDate);
        string DateOld = String.Format("{0:M/d/yyyy}", rel.ReqDate);
        rel.Character01 =  BpmFunc.Now() + "--- System manually updated release " +  MyRel + " in order " + MyOrder + " on line " +  MyLine + " Old Date: " + DateOld + " New Date: " + DateNew + " Old Qty: " + rel.OurReqQty + " New Qty: " + xRow.OrderRel_OurReqQty;
        rel.ReqDate = MyDate;
        rel.NeedByDate = MyDate;
        rel.OurReqQty = xRow.OrderRel_OurReqQty;
        rel.RowMod = "U";
      soSvc.Update(ref SOTS);

The problem is:

'OrderRelRow' does not contain a definition for 'Character01' and no accessible extension method 'Character01' accepting a first argument of type 'OrderRelRow' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

I tried to fix this by going back and adding Char01 to the ttResults, and also making it an updatable field. Neither approach seemed to help.

Where am I going wrong here?
Thanks for you time!

I found this solution that worked!

All I had to do was change to:

rel["Character01"] =  BpmFunc.Now() + "--- System manually updated release " +  MyRel + " in order " + MyOrder + " on line " +  MyLine + " Old Date: " + DateOld + " New Date: " + DateNew + " Old Qty: " + rel.OurReqQty + " New Qty: " + xRow.OrderRel_OurReqQty;

Thanks @hkeric.wci!