Upgrading Kinetic 2022.1 to 2022.2 guide questions

I am about to update my Kinetic 2022.1 to 2022.2 Of course the upgrade guide only talks about going from 10.X. I find this annoying. It has been a few years since upgrading anything. I am practicing on our Sandbox environment of course. I am guessing I am fine just going through the normal upgrade motions. Just curious if anyone has made this jump or any warnings I need to be careful about.


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I plan to do this today, and I’m following the same path as before. You always need to install the latest version 2022.1, uncheck the ‘Start admin Console’ checkbox and then install the latest patch. then run the Admin console and follow the instructions on updating the DB and the Appservers form the guide.

Having said that, I always read the New Install guide, as it talks about changes to the architecture, pre-requisites, etc. In this case, you’ll need the new version of DotNet SDK and Runtime and possibly some server role/feature changes.

And then I take the New Install instructions for DB/Appservers and compare/combine with the Upgrade Guide instructions, just to make sure I’m not missing anything.

Good Luck!!


I also found that very confusing Kimberly. Looking forward to also performing the upgrade in the next couple weeks.


I was hoping they would start using different scenarios given people are on Kinetic now and not only coming from 10.X.


This guide walks you through the upgrade (for both 10x and 2021(11.x) the process is the same.


Thanks Jose!

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