Upgrading our only Epicor Server

Hello everyone,

We will be upgrading our only Epicor server that also houses our SQL instance from 2012r2 to 2019 in the near future. Does anyone have any tips to make this as painless as possible? The only role of this server is for Epicor, Reports, and the Database. Any idea on what to do with the data in the database in the meantime? I was hoping to do a fresh install and not an in place upgrade. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Hopefully you are in a virtualized environment. Either way.

Stand up new server and leave old server running.
Restore Database to new server.
Test Test Test.

Point clients to new server.


Agreed with above build a clean server from the ground up, leap frog to the new one, and phase out the old one.


There are posts on the site for creating a new server and then porting your existing database over to it. It’s not what the upgrade manuals say to do exactly, but it is a MUCH better way of upgrading. You have the old setup for reference and the new on a clean box.

Here is one from Nathan in Epicor support (he’s one of the good ones). It’s what I went by.

While I myself have done 2012R2 to 2016 in-place OS upgrades with very little problems(ERP10.1.500) just be aware Epicor likes OS versions and SQL versions closely related as stated in docs. If migrating Databases to a wiped server, be aware when backing up(for migration) the SSRS database(s) you must backup Reporting Services Symmetric key(in Reporting Services Configuration Manager) to access the restored databases(SSRS) Some people will migrate reports by other means though.

We done on fresh server and it work well, Direct DB backup copy will work with SQL 2019.

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Agreed on preparing the Test Environment, but whats the use of pointing clients to the new server ?

Backups, make sure you have them in order for this not to be a Resume Generating Event. Also make sure you have a fall back plan to restore that server. Doing a VM snap is risky because of size of the delta of the snap. Doing an in place upgrade will generate big snapshot. If its not a VM, make sure you do a bare metal backup before you begin.

Also keep in mind SSRS 16 and higher is separate install. Like others said make sure to backup that encryption key and store the password in a safe location.