I have a big list of work that has been done bypassing Epicor to build subassemblies. This was a decision management took with Finace’s blessing to help us catch up.
Is there a way to use DMT to execute jobs that will consume the raw materials and put them into inventory so we can issue them to their parent jobs? The raw material (plywood and extrusion) has been physically consumed and we’re ok with the accuracy of the BOM consumption.
I don’t see a KanBan receipt module in DMT; is there a right way to automate job execution ?
There isn’t a Kanban Receipts DMT… it’s really a process and not a data table (all DMT really does is put data in tables… even Issue Materials is just an entry in the PartTran table). Technically I can understand it, but having one would REALLY be awesome sometimes.
You’d need a slew of DMTs to create the JobHead, create the JobProd, create the JobMtl, create the Material Issue, complete (at least) the last OpDtl, and then Job Receipt to Stock.
It would be AWFULLY NICE if someone out there can tell me how dumb I just sounded!