The title pretty much covers it.
If there was some way to pass the custid or custnum to a predictive search BAQ, so it could filter by it, so it would predictive search on that customer’s contacts only, that would be real nice…
The title pretty much covers it.
If there was some way to pass the custid or custnum to a predictive search BAQ, so it could filter by it, so it would predictive search on that customer’s contacts only, that would be real nice…
Well I have a hacky workaround… We will just use ShpToCon instead of ReqPerConID to record who we were talking to at the customer. There’s already reusable combo for that (so i just promoted it up the screen) and its storing the conNum of the customer contact in the HDCase record.
EDIT That’s not working now either. It gives me a list of customer contacs for some customers but not others, that seem srelated to many customers having primary ‘MAIN’ shiptos aside from the defacto ‘’ shipto, which the case associates to by default when the customer is selected.
I will try switching its EPBinding to HDCase.PrcConNum
(reusable combo filter params also changed:)
Take a look at my thread.
You could add the contacts as one of the search words for a customer.
Just join to the customer and show the contact name in the search calculated field.
Go to the link to see how I did this.
Thanks Bruce,
In my use case the reusable combo with HDCase.PrcConNum as the data did the trick- I have marked it as solved above. HOWEVER the change to predictive search behaviour you describe is bad news to me!
We are on 11.2.400 on-prem and though the predictive search entry window describes it as “begins with” in the caption, its still working as “Contains”… we will be updating our test environment shortly to 2024.2 and if it changes to “begins with” , then A) I will be briefly unhappy , and B) I will implement your augmented BAQ’s for our various predictive searches… so thankyou kindly for the headsup!