We have a new hire in our Purchasing department that we have given access to an updateable dashboard that the folks in Purchasing use to view POs and add comments (this is the updateable UD field). I have given her all the same security as another person in Purchasing who uses the dashboard daily. For some reason the new hire does not see the field as updateable, only viewable where everyone else sees the field as updateable. We have cleared cache, there is no Field Level Security set, there are no customizations on the dashboard, and I am baffled after looking at this from every angle for a day. Literally everyone who sees this this dashboard, sees this field as updateable but her. Has anyone seen something like this before?
You can try to check:
- Login another account into her computer.
- Login her account to another computer.
Make sure that problem always happens on her account. Try to create new one similar to her account to check.
If this happens to her computer, change computer or clear client cache (make sure all user log out Epicor, or exit this dashboard), or try to deploy the dashboard again.
Sometime client cache cannot clear if another account is using it.
Is she an authorized user on the Buyer record(s)?
@nguyennkerp, @Mark_Wonsil I have been having to work on other things today, but I appreciate your quick responses. Yes she is an authorized buyer. I will try out the different login ideas this weekend and let you know, thanks!