User File Locked

This error can happen if a user disconnects while the application is active, and for some reason Progress cannot
detect that the user has disappeared. (In the character world this will happen if the user switches off a dumb
terminal ). Try using proshut, and disconnecting the user, which will then release any locks, and roll back any
incomplete transactions.

jeff House wrote:

> I am getting the Message "LaborDtl in use by paint2,61 on paint2ws. Wait or choose cancel to stop. [2624]"
> when I try to "clock-out" a specific shop user.
> I am using Data Collection Module, paint2 is a Data collection user and paint2ws is the PC.
> Even though this PC has been logged out of Vantage I still get this error.
> I believe this file to be locked.
> The Question is how to unlock this file?
> I have used the utility ENDACT.r but the same error occurs when using this utility.
> I know I can reboot the system but this becomes a rather tedious function.
> Does anyone know of a way to unlock these files without rebooting?
> Your knowledge is greatly appreciated.
> Jeff H
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William E. Colls Tel 613 591 0079
PROComputer Systems Fax 613 591 3924
67 Willow Glen Dr
Kanata Ontario Canada PEG Member 1998051404

Specialists in Progress Software development since 1985
I am getting the Message "LaborDtl in use by paint2,61 on paint2ws. Wait or choose cancel to stop. [2624]"
when I try to "clock-out" a specific shop user.
I am using Data Collection Module, paint2 is a Data collection user and paint2ws is the PC.
Even though this PC has been logged out of Vantage I still get this error.
I believe this file to be locked.

The Question is how to unlock this file?

I have used the utility ENDACT.r but the same error occurs when using this utility.
I know I can reboot the system but this becomes a rather tedious function.

Does anyone know of a way to unlock these files without rebooting?

Your knowledge is greatly appreciated.

Jeff H