Using a BAQ to default a value in kinetic

I’m having a problem in receipt entry, receipt line detail.

I’m trying to replace the lot number entered with a formatted lotnumber based on a baq.

The part has lot tracking checked, so there is extra information that needs to be entered along side the lot number

I’m trying to intercept that call and suggest my own lot number in the place of “Test” with a baq.

The system lets me override it by using a row-update after the CallChkforneedslotattrsUpd. I just put any string in the expression under the RcvDtl.lotnum binding.

But I want to get that value from a baq.

This doesn’t seem to want to push my baq value to the control.
Is there something I’m missing or a better way of doing this?

I spoke to soon.

While there are other problems, row changing events and other things.

This issue is related to the fact that the expression


needed double quotes in order to fill in the value