Using a Date Range in Kinetic

I am trying to set a date range on a BAQ Dashboard in Kinetic. I have added 2 date pickers and set them up as BAQ Options. They pull up the individual dates entered into the date pickers but they are not pulling in the dates between those dates. The documentation around this is practically null. I see some people using TransView.dtFrom and TransView.dtTo. I have no idea what they are. I haven’t found anything here so far that I can make work. If anyone else has successfully done this, any help would be appreciated. I am in my test database, version 2023.2 and I’m uplifting from 10.2.700.


There are a lot of people out there who are smarter than me, but I have had success using a date range in a BAQ by setting a parameter for the start date, a parameter for the stop date, then putting a criteria on the date field to be >= Start Date & <= Stop Date

Dori, great minds. That’s what I decided to try and it worked perfectly. Thanks!
