Using a non-inventory part number in order entry 10.0.700.4


Occasionally our customer service folks will want to ship something that we don't have a part for. For example, we shipped a dozen rivets that are bought as supplies and not inventoried. However, they made up a part number and entered them on the order.

It worked okay for them, until they tried to do the customer shipment. It wouldn't ship out of inventory or the job. We worked around it (deleted the line).

Now we have a policy credit to issue to a customer. They wanted to see a quote on it for some reason, so customer service entered the quote with a part number: Policy Credit. It turned into an order, but of course, would not ship. I think we entered a misc. invoice for the credit.

That leaves an open order and an open unfirmed job where MRP picked up the Make Direct. I'll delete these and all will be fine. But this kind of thing will pop up again.

What's a good way to handle this?




Joe D. Trent

Bigham Ag Equipment