Using a .txt file as a datasource for a crystal report

I got it. I was using My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText before which I believe converted the ascii code to text before it passed it to the .txt file as input. Alternatively, I used StreamWriter WriteLine() which worked - rather than converting the whole thing to text it just used the Ascii code to create the quotes. I may or may not be wrong on my assumption - at least it worked...

--- In, "drew.pete" <drew.pete@...> wrote:
> So far so good in using a .txt file as a datasource. My only roadblock is replicated keystrokes to create " in the text file. Here is the code I'm using to create the .txt file from my Epicor...
> Chr(34) & NameHeader & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & DateAccessed & Chr(34) & VbCrLf
> Both NameHeader and DataAccessed are Field Names as type String.
> Chr(34) does create what looks like quotes, but it must be different in some way to the quotes I would create by input directly from my keyboard. When I use the asci code Chr(34) my report doesn't distinguish my field names at the beginning of the datasource - making the report inoperable. It also gives them very strange names. However, when I go into the .txt file I generate from the code, delete the existing quotation marks and replace it with quotation marks from my keyboard input the crystal report distinguishes the field names perfectly.
> Does anyone know the true difference between a keyboard generated quotation mark and that which is written using asci code? I feel like if I can bridge this gap I can solve my problem.
> Thanks in advance for any feedback,
> Drew
So far so good in using a .txt file as a datasource. My only roadblock is replicated keystrokes to create " in the text file. Here is the code I'm using to create the .txt file from my Epicor...

Chr(34) & NameHeader & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & DateAccessed & Chr(34) & VbCrLf

Both NameHeader and DataAccessed are Field Names as type String.

Chr(34) does create what looks like quotes, but it must be different in some way to the quotes I would create by input directly from my keyboard. When I use the asci code Chr(34) my report doesn't distinguish my field names at the beginning of the datasource - making the report inoperable. It also gives them very strange names. However, when I go into the .txt file I generate from the code, delete the existing quotation marks and replace it with quotation marks from my keyboard input the crystal report distinguishes the field names perfectly.

Does anyone know the true difference between a keyboard generated quotation mark and that which is written using asci code? I feel like if I can bridge this gap I can solve my problem.
Thanks in advance for any feedback,
