Hi John,
Interesting comments!
Over here in the UK we only have about 60 Vantage
users with no more than half dozen on V3, and as far
as I'm aware no-one live yet on V5 - we're all
watching you guys!!!!. There is some similar concern
over here since many users are small jobshops -
exactly the reason why they bought Vantage in the
first place, although medium size companies like
ourselves are looking forward to the coming
enhancements with V5/5.1
Mike Kerwin
Business Support Manager
Cooper Crouse-Hinds(UK)Ltd
+44 (0)1795 586339
--- johnmemjr@... wrote: > Does anyone
have any stats on how many people are
Do You Yahoo!?
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Interesting comments!
Over here in the UK we only have about 60 Vantage
users with no more than half dozen on V3, and as far
as I'm aware no-one live yet on V5 - we're all
watching you guys!!!!. There is some similar concern
over here since many users are small jobshops -
exactly the reason why they bought Vantage in the
first place, although medium size companies like
ourselves are looking forward to the coming
enhancements with V5/5.1
Mike Kerwin
Business Support Manager
Cooper Crouse-Hinds(UK)Ltd
+44 (0)1795 586339
--- johnmemjr@... wrote: > Does anyone
have any stats on how many people are
> still running 3.0 to 4.0 tohttp://us.click.yahoo.com/n4HqaC/DMUCAA/4ihDAA/P0AVlB/TM
> 5.0. I know I am still running 3.0 and it is OK. I
> really have no desire to
> upgrade to another release, have the employees lose
> confidence in Vantage
> product, Epicor as a company, and myself as an IT
> professional who
> recommended this product.
> I feel that Epicor is falling down on the job. If I
> shipped machinery to
> customers who had this many problems, I would be out
> of business in less than
> 1 year.
> John Memmelaar
> Royal Master Grinders, Inc.
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Get your free @... address at http://mail.yahoo.co.uk
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