I am still a rookie in Vantage, but why not just copy your production
Vantage database to test and develop your BAQ from there. Then you just
have to export it and import to production when it is finished. What
you have created is a database that is not recognized by the Vantage
application. You don't have enough of the pieces moved over to make it
Tim Dines
Information Technology
Steel Parts Manufacturing, Inc.
801 Berryman Pike
Tipton, IN 46072
Direct: 765-675-5201
Cell: 765-437-1402
From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of bw2868bond
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 8:16 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] V803.405a BAQ errors
Posted a call on 4/21 with support and have not heard from them - maybe
someone here can shed some light:
Setup Blank Test db. Added some Parts. Trying to create a new BAQ and
receive Error message:
Exception caught in: Epicor.Mfg.BO.DynamicQuery
Error Detail
Message: Invalid handle. Not initialized or points to a deleted object.
Type: Error
Program: bo/DynamicQuery.p
Method: GetAvailableTableList
Table: AvailableTableList
Stack Trace
at Epicor.Mfg.Proxy.DynamicQueryImpl.GetAvailableTableList(String
whereClause, Int32 pageSize, Int32 absolutePage, Boolean& morePages)
whereClause, Int32 pageSize, Int32 absolutePage, Boolean& MorePages)
Doing a search for Existing BAQ gives this error:
Exception caught in: Epicor.Mfg.BO.DynamicQuery
Error Detail
Message: Invalid query: where (Company = 'xxx') and (IsShared = yes or
DCDUserID='manager') and (Approved=yes).
Type: Error
Program: bo/DynamicQuery.p
Method: GetList
Table: DynamicQueryList
Stack Trace
at Epicor.Mfg.Proxy.DynamicQueryImpl.GetList(String whereClause, Int32
pageSize, Int32 absolutePage, Boolean& morePages)
at Epicor.Mfg.UI.Adapters.DynamicQueryAdapter.GetList(SearchOptions
opts, Boolean& MorePages)
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Vantage database to test and develop your BAQ from there. Then you just
have to export it and import to production when it is finished. What
you have created is a database that is not recognized by the Vantage
application. You don't have enough of the pieces moved over to make it
Tim Dines
Information Technology
Steel Parts Manufacturing, Inc.
801 Berryman Pike
Tipton, IN 46072
Direct: 765-675-5201
Cell: 765-437-1402
From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of bw2868bond
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 8:16 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] V803.405a BAQ errors
Posted a call on 4/21 with support and have not heard from them - maybe
someone here can shed some light:
Setup Blank Test db. Added some Parts. Trying to create a new BAQ and
receive Error message:
Exception caught in: Epicor.Mfg.BO.DynamicQuery
Error Detail
Message: Invalid handle. Not initialized or points to a deleted object.
Type: Error
Program: bo/DynamicQuery.p
Method: GetAvailableTableList
Table: AvailableTableList
Stack Trace
at Epicor.Mfg.Proxy.DynamicQueryImpl.GetAvailableTableList(String
whereClause, Int32 pageSize, Int32 absolutePage, Boolean& morePages)
whereClause, Int32 pageSize, Int32 absolutePage, Boolean& MorePages)
Doing a search for Existing BAQ gives this error:
Exception caught in: Epicor.Mfg.BO.DynamicQuery
Error Detail
Message: Invalid query: where (Company = 'xxx') and (IsShared = yes or
DCDUserID='manager') and (Approved=yes).
Type: Error
Program: bo/DynamicQuery.p
Method: GetList
Table: DynamicQueryList
Stack Trace
at Epicor.Mfg.Proxy.DynamicQueryImpl.GetList(String whereClause, Int32
pageSize, Int32 absolutePage, Boolean& morePages)
at Epicor.Mfg.UI.Adapters.DynamicQueryAdapter.GetList(SearchOptions
opts, Boolean& MorePages)
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]