Value-Set Component Does Nothing?

I’ve been messing around with Application Studio, trying to learn how to use the components to replicate our old customizations. While doing this I found that the value-set component wasn’t really setting the values I wanted it to, and so I did some testing. I put a dialog-show component on the success and error paths of the value-set component, to see if it was just failing or not. Neither of these dialog boxes showed up, but the one I placed right before the value-set component did.


Can anyone explain why?

Can you paste a screenshot of what do the properties for Value-Set look like?

On a side note - we encourage the use of erp-message-handler instead of dialog-show. It is more powerful, and more commonly used in base apps as well for all types of user messaging.

These are the properties. None of the checkboxes are checked.

As far as I remember value-set is used to grab values from other columns and update the epbinding.
It cannot find a column by the name 20.5

For your use-case suggest the use of row-update…That supports setting value directly on bindings or grabbing value from columns and updating bindings.


Thank you, that worked, I’m going to use the row-update from now on for this stuff. Still weird how the dialog boxes didn’t show despite the error.