I would love more info. I'm very much a novice compared to most the user group members it appears....Does access have a developer edition so as to create runtimes then? Or are you just talking standard Access databases....I have previous experience programming in foxpro, dbase, etc....but never had to worry about how to get the source data - it was always supplied to me.... Id don't know the the PCValueIn that you're both referred to is...and this Total Visual Agent sounds like something I'd be interested in as well to update the tables in Access overnight....so basically are you downloading data from Vantage into Access tables and then manipulating from there? I'm not sure where to start but I'm a pretty good self-learner by reading and testing....just need to be pointed in the right direction as far as what tools I need to start....
If your time permits, please contact me at parichter@........
If your time permits, please contact me at parichter@........
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "B_Stinger" <bstenglein@...> wrote:
> I'm not sure what you mean about SQL type programming in Crystal, everything can be done through the interface without typing SQL commands. But I only use Crystal for the simplest reports.
> I agree with Lon, that Access is a great tool to get info out of Vantage. We have dozens of Access applications using ODBC. I've found that linking a query or report live to ODBC isn't efficient so I use Make Table Queries or Append Table Querires to dump the data in the Access applications when necessary. We use a product called Total Visual Agent which facilitates the scheduling of Access Macros. We use that to update the data in the various applications over night, so the users don't have to wait for the data to refresh. The performance of most reports is a lot quicker than if you were linking to the live database.
> Let me know if you'd like more details on how to use Access with Vantage.
> Brian Stenglein
> Clow Stamping
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "richter_clements" <richter_clements@> wrote:
> >
> > We are on Vantage 6.1 and have not used the system for very much reporting ever. We are now in the process of trying to create and utilize much of the information that we input. I'm getting a good handle on all the various tables and where information is stored. But now - I need to link data and extract how to report on. I'm not sure the best way to go about. I do have Crystal reports and can link to the LIVE database through ODBC which leaves a lot of SQL type programming to be done in Crystal (to link tables, filter data, etc...), or I guess create BAQs to dump data into Excel, Access, etc and then manipulate from there. I'm not familiar with SQL and so far I keep encountering system crashes and such every time I try to design SQL querys (using Crystal SQL Designer) and run them....
> >
> > Is this the best way to go about linking various tables to produce the data I want? Or am I better off just dumping the tables through a BAQ to create PC Level databases and running queries or programming from there? I have a lot of previous experience with developing applications in DBASE, Foxpro, etc...but nothing in SQL - I assume it's all the same concepts just different terminology....
> >
> > Any suggestions? Are there various versions of SQL - so if I run out to get some books on it I can at least learn the right one?
> >
> > Does the link between crystal to vantage use standard SQL statements?
> >
> > What about XML? I see the option in BAQ - to create an XML source....
> >