[Vantage 6.10] Crystal Repoert Traveler oddity

Hi Dale,

I don’t know why the PO is not showing up, but I would create a couple of formulas.

In the header I would create a formula called POCalc that contains shared stringvar svsPONum := ThePO#SuppliedByVantage

(replace ThePO#SuppliedByVantage with the name of the PO formula or field that is in the report already)

In the footer I would create a formula called PODisp that contains shared stringvar svsPONum



From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of tmsover
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2010 9:09 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] [Vantage 6.10] Crystal Repoert Traveler oddity

We are trying to put some data that appears on the Vantage traveler in report footer, specifically, the customer name, part number, customer PO# and the job number. We are formatting the font as a bar code so we can use this to scan when created part labels to affix to the part containers. The odd thing is that customer name, part number and job number will show up. Only the cust PO# will not display. I am simply copying all these fields from where they appear in the report. The other odd thing is if we put this info in the report header then it all shows up.

I am really scratching my head on this one. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Dale Norris
IT Manager
Bullen Ultrasonics

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
We are trying to put some data that appears on the Vantage traveler in report footer, specifically, the customer name, part number, customer PO# and the job number. We are formatting the font as a bar code so we can use this to scan when created part labels to affix to the part containers. The odd thing is that customer name, part number and job number will show up. Only the cust PO# will not display. I am simply copying all these fields from where they appear in the report. The other odd thing is if we put this info in the report header then it all shows up.

I am really scratching my head on this one. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Dale Norris
IT Manager
Bullen Ultrasonics