Vantage 8.0 - Blank Title 129348

Curious why that matters: A SKU is a SKU.

Rob Brown
Versa Products
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From: bmadrigal@... <bmadrigal@...>;
To: <>;
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 8.0 -
Sent: Wed, Apr 2, 2014 3:23:35 PM

<div id="ygrps-yiv-1623280668ygrp-text">
  <p>When oulling items from inventory for a kit,  the kitter stated that it is hard to determine what is a purchase part, versus a manufactured part.  Does anyone have an easy way to identify on the job? Is there a way to add a column that shows make/buy for a visual queue?  Thanks </p>


<div style="color:#fff;height:0;"></div></div>