[Vantage 8.03.409c] Operation Defaults

We are making some changes to operations and engineering and I have a couple of questions about where to make some of those changes.

I used DMT to mass update every part that uses one specific operation, so that every part's engineering now backflushes the labor for that specific operation. The problem now is changing the default for that operation, so that every time a new part is engineered, we don't have to remember to change the labor entry method, but it will default to backflush. I have a BPM that will automatically change the labor entry method when that part is selected, but is there a better way to do this?

Similar question for setup hours on an operation. We want to change the setup hours for one operation system-wide. I can do a DMT update to change the engineering for parts already in the system, but how do I change the default setup hours for an operation? I see that there is a SetupHours field in the OpMasDtl table, but I can't figure out where to go to alter that field or even if that is, in fact, the field that controls an operations defaults.

