I'm still working on this problem. So far i have been able to call
the order form with ProcessCaller.LaunchForm(...) statement. I was
able to create a new order and pass my current customer to the order
Now i am trying to do the same thing with Help Desk Entry. From My
dashboard, i have a button that will open HelpDesk and i want to
create a new call and automatically populate my Customer, and
ProjectID. I have these fields available to me in the query but i
cannot seem to pass them over to helpdesk. I am using the following
code, but i get an error when helpdesk is opened "Invalid
Where-Clause: Alpha compare against Numeric Column: 'HDCASENUM =
SYSTEM.XML.XMLDOCUMENT'" If anyone has any idea how to do this, can
you please help me. Thanks!
HDCaseNum = "0"
CustID = dt.Rows(DBTVP.CurrentRow)("Customer.CustID")
CustNum = dt.Rows(DBTVP.CurrentRow)("Customer.CustNum").toString()
Dim xDoc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()
Dim xDocElem As XmlNode = xDoc.CreateElement("Test")
Dim xNodeMode As XmlNode = xDoc.CreateElement("Mode")
xNodeMode.InnerText = "AddNew"
Dim xNodeCustID As XmlNode = xDoc.CreateElement("CustID")
xNodeCustID.InnerText = custID
Dim xNodeHDCaseNum As XmlNode = xDoc.CreateElement("HDCaseNum")
xNodeHDCaseNum.InnerText = "0"
Dim lfo As LaunchFormOptions = New LaunchFormOptions()
lfo.IsModal = False
lfo.SuppressFormSearch = True
lfo.ValueIn = xDoc
ProcessCaller.LaunchForm(DBTVP, "HDMN2100", lfo)
the order form with ProcessCaller.LaunchForm(...) statement. I was
able to create a new order and pass my current customer to the order
Now i am trying to do the same thing with Help Desk Entry. From My
dashboard, i have a button that will open HelpDesk and i want to
create a new call and automatically populate my Customer, and
ProjectID. I have these fields available to me in the query but i
cannot seem to pass them over to helpdesk. I am using the following
code, but i get an error when helpdesk is opened "Invalid
Where-Clause: Alpha compare against Numeric Column: 'HDCASENUM =
SYSTEM.XML.XMLDOCUMENT'" If anyone has any idea how to do this, can
you please help me. Thanks!
HDCaseNum = "0"
CustID = dt.Rows(DBTVP.CurrentRow)("Customer.CustID")
CustNum = dt.Rows(DBTVP.CurrentRow)("Customer.CustNum").toString()
Dim xDoc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()
Dim xDocElem As XmlNode = xDoc.CreateElement("Test")
Dim xNodeMode As XmlNode = xDoc.CreateElement("Mode")
xNodeMode.InnerText = "AddNew"
Dim xNodeCustID As XmlNode = xDoc.CreateElement("CustID")
xNodeCustID.InnerText = custID
Dim xNodeHDCaseNum As XmlNode = xDoc.CreateElement("HDCaseNum")
xNodeHDCaseNum.InnerText = "0"
Dim lfo As LaunchFormOptions = New LaunchFormOptions()
lfo.IsModal = False
lfo.SuppressFormSearch = True
lfo.ValueIn = xDoc
ProcessCaller.LaunchForm(DBTVP, "HDMN2100", lfo)