Vantage 8.03 Customization Error

The "Production" field in the upper right of the Job Details->Operations->Details tab?

The original is "nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn.nn"

If that's not the one, then you should open the "Base Only"  version to see the original settings of whatever field you want.

As a side note, pre-setting the mask or format of a field in a grid rarely works.  I think i's because the grids are built at run time.  So any grid settings (even via code that runs on form startup), get overwritten when the grid is built.


Can anyone out there help with this issue?  I was attempting to reformat the Job Entry Prod Quantity Std for a complaining user and attempted to change the mask in Customization.  Now I get the following error message and the Operation Tag will not display in job entry.  Any suggestions as to how I can correct the mask input or revert back to original setting will help.
I assume you made a customization to a particular screen, by:
1. Enabling Developer Mode
2. Launching the program / window to customize
3. Create the new Customization
4. Update the Menu Maintenance to use that customization.

To use the original (pre-customization), just go back into the menu maintenance, and clear the customization.

NOTE!!!  Users won't see changes to the menus until they log out and then back in.

For help with the original task (formatting a field), let us know:
1. The screen / program  you're customizing
2. How youre customizing it (just editing field properties, or writing code to set the field properties?)
3. The exact error you get.

Have you checked the Tools menu?
Custom XML Editor, custom properties sheet
- Forms - JobEntryForm
- ControlName - numProd
- PropertyName - MaskInput
- PropertyValue - ?????????

vs. Customization Tools. properties sheet.
- Can't set the MaskInput back to the default.
-- JobHead.ProdQty MaskInput property: nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn.nn

When an invalid mask is set in the properties sheet, it can get "stuck".
You can usually clear the error in the custom XML.
I meant to attach the error message for this issue, I apologize.  I was attempting to reformat the Production Std (Quantity) field in the Job Entry Program under the Operation Detail tab.  This is on a previously customization of the same screen which I have done many times before.  I was trying to reformat the Prod Standard field by changing the MaskInput, which is now set at "nnn,nnn.nnnnnnnn".  The error message I am getting is "Error Detail
Control numProdStd exception attempting to set nnnnn.nnnnnnnn against the MaskInput property

Inner Exception
The specified mask is not compatible with the current value of the 'NumericType' property.
Inner Stack Trace
   at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.UltraNumericEditor.set_MaskInput(String value)
   at Epicor.Mfg.UI.Customization.ControlProps.ApplyPropertiesToControl(Control ctl, String propName, String propValue, Boolean bAddChildIndex)

Does anyone know what the correct MaskInput should be.  Thanks for the help.