We combined the freight payment terms with the FOB. There were a lot fewer records to duplicate and some payment terms lend themselves to only one FOB anyway.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Judy Havlik" <judyh001@...> wrote:
> I'm curious how others are handling freight payment terms on sales orders; i.e. where/how do you enter the shipping payment terms data?
> For example:
> FOB = Our dock
> Ship Via = UPS Ground
> Freight payment in the above example could be Prepay & Add, Prepaid, Bill 3rd Party, or Collect (using the customer's account number).
> In 6.1 we use the Ship Via to show UPSGround/Collect, for example. If there are multiple ship to addresses on the order, they might show a different "Ship Via" with different payment terms.
> Further, each customer generally has a default that appears on the order at time of entry from the data in the Customer Table.
> Any information you can share regarding how you handle this would be helpful.
> Sincerely,
> Judy Havlik
> Plitek, L.L.C.