Try making sure you can access files on the new server through network
neighborhood. Make sure you can ping the server using it's UNC Path name,
as well as its IP address
(ping \\newserver)
Check the hosts file of course....
Make sure that the computer user has full access to the vantage directory,
except to the files restricted as per "Securing vantage with NT
Permissions", on Eranet, if you are concerned with security. If your
logging in as admin, that's probably not an issue.
When you uninstall vantage 3, it doesn't remove the registry references to
the old server. I'm not sure if the uninstall acts the same in 4 and 5.
These old references, in vantage 3, will prevent you from logging onto the
new server.
If the hosts file fixes doesn't work, What you'll want to do is uninstall
the client again, BACK UP THE REGISTRY, then search the registry of the
client machines for references to the old paths, and delete the old
references. try once with the old mapped drive letter, and again with the
full UNC Pathname.
For example:
If that doesn't work, FDISK AND REFORMAT. That solves it every time.
Keep us posted!
-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Caughey [mailto:caugheyt@...]
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 3:23 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Vantage Clientsetup
If you changed the name of the server and/or the IP address you may also
need to look at the Hosts file in c:\Windows (or whever Windows folder is)
on the client.
-Todd C.
Harvey Vogel Mfg. Co.
-----Original Message-----
From: mthompson@...
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 2:51 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage Clientsetup
When we changed servers there are two machines that lost their ability
to run Vantage. I have removed progress and reinstalled client setup
again. When I go to start Vantage the splash comes up and then
disappears. The error message then comes "Can not connect to server
for Vantage." When i ping the server it is there. Any suggestions
to get these machines reconnected would be appreciated?
neighborhood. Make sure you can ping the server using it's UNC Path name,
as well as its IP address
(ping \\newserver)
Check the hosts file of course....
Make sure that the computer user has full access to the vantage directory,
except to the files restricted as per "Securing vantage with NT
Permissions", on Eranet, if you are concerned with security. If your
logging in as admin, that's probably not an issue.
When you uninstall vantage 3, it doesn't remove the registry references to
the old server. I'm not sure if the uninstall acts the same in 4 and 5.
These old references, in vantage 3, will prevent you from logging onto the
new server.
If the hosts file fixes doesn't work, What you'll want to do is uninstall
the client again, BACK UP THE REGISTRY, then search the registry of the
client machines for references to the old paths, and delete the old
references. try once with the old mapped drive letter, and again with the
full UNC Pathname.
For example:
If that doesn't work, FDISK AND REFORMAT. That solves it every time.
Keep us posted!
-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Caughey [mailto:caugheyt@...]
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 3:23 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Vantage Clientsetup
If you changed the name of the server and/or the IP address you may also
need to look at the Hosts file in c:\Windows (or whever Windows folder is)
on the client.
-Todd C.
Harvey Vogel Mfg. Co.
-----Original Message-----
From: mthompson@...
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 2:51 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage Clientsetup
When we changed servers there are two machines that lost their ability
to run Vantage. I have removed progress and reinstalled client setup
again. When I go to start Vantage the splash comes up and then
disappears. The error message then comes "Can not connect to server
for Vantage." When i ping the server it is there. Any suggestions
to get these machines reconnected would be appreciated?