Vantage Upgrade / drive mappings

At 11:34 AM 7/13/2000 , you wrote:
>instructions on Upgrading from an existing application, it says you
>must map drive letters to your current \dwc share and a new letter to
>the new \epicor share. And these letters must match what is on the
>clients. This basically means we must create a new drive letter (W:
>for instance) on the clients in addition to the current letter (V:).
>Is there any way around this? We had a hard enough time coming up

I've been considering the same thing. I haven't tried this, but it might
work (or get you close)
* Copy DWC to an alternate directory on server (need to do this anyway if
you want to preserve the old database)
* Share the new directory
* Map the new directory to an alternate drive letter on the server, let's
say Z:
* In Z:\Vantage edit Vantage.INI and Vantage.VTG to reference Z: instead of
the old letter.

Also, on our test server I installed the Progress 8 server software
(DLCSRV), but just copied over the DLC and Vantage
directories. DLC/Bin/Progress.INI and DLC/Shared.INI both have V:
references as well. Might be able to edit those, but it might be best to
reinstall the Progress client with the alternate drive letter.

Is that an over simplification? Lemme know if anyone gets it to
work! Also, reread the above "I haven't tried this" and make sure your
backups are good! (Don't just stuff the tape in a box - make sure you can
read the whole thing back before starting!)

-Wayne Cox
We will be upgrading our 3.0 to 4.0 this weekend. While going over
instructions on Upgrading from an existing application, it says you
must map drive letters to your current \dwc share and a new letter to
the new \epicor share. And these letters must match what is on the
clients. This basically means we must create a new drive letter (W:
for instance) on the clients in addition to the current letter (V:).
Is there any way around this? We had a hard enough time coming up
a letter that all of the clients had available, now we need another?
called Vantage support and they said we need to map a new drive
letter. Anybody run into this? Any help would be appreciated.

-Brian Valentine

Unfortunately there seems to be no way around this. But on the Plus side if
you are going to shut down 3.0 completely and never use it again after
upgrade you can use the drive letter it currently uses.


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We will be upgrading our 3.0 to 4.0 this weekend. While going over
instructions on Upgrading from an existing application, it says you
must map drive letters to your current \dwc share and a new letter to
the new \epicor share. And these letters must match what is on the
clients. This basically means we must create a new drive letter (W:
for instance) on the clients in addition to the current letter (V:).
Is there any way around this? We had a hard enough time coming up
a letter that all of the clients had available, now we need another?
called Vantage support and they said we need to map a new drive
letter. Anybody run into this? Any help would be appreciated.

-Brian Valentine