VB Form Button Progress Code

I would really appreciate it if anyone can help me on the code
below. I created the code after looking at the code Thad Jacobs and
others posted. I am getting an error that the part number is not
file (even though it is).

What I am trying to do is input a part number into the
jobmtl.character02 field and push a button to retrieve the
description from the part master and input it in jobmtl.character01.

/* include vbp/vb.i so VantageBasic functions are accessible. */

/* Here define your own variables */

Define variable SparePartNum like part.partnum no-undo.

/* do the calculation */

assign SparePartNum = getStringValue("jobmtl.character02.SCRVALUE":U).

/* find Part Where part.company = "yourcompanyname" */

Find Part Where part.company = "01"
and part.partnum = SparePartNum.
