Visual Scheduling and workcenters

What you probably want to do is set up each press as its own workcenter. You
can perform different operations than what is set up for the workcenter. The
operation can be changed when entering the job. IF 2 of the
presses(machines) are really identical then you could have the 2 presses as
1 workcenter. Within a workcenter you can set up Alternative Machines as
well. How do you try to schedule now? Do you want to have a schedule for
each press? Does the person setting up the jobs or doing the scheduling know
which jobs can be moved to the different presses?

Jim Frice

-----Original Message-----
From: lheisey@... [mailto:lheisey@...]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 8:52 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Visual Scheduling and workcenters

We are new to eManufacturing. We are on version 5.0 and just getting
started. We are struggling with setting up our workcenters. We have
12 presses. Certain parts can only be run on certain presses. Some
parts can be run on an alternate press but not all parts. It would
appear we need a unique operation and a unique workcenter for each
part. If that is true then we might end up with 60 workcenters. How
would the schedule know how to schedule the jobs based on the fact
there there are still only 12 presses? I don't know if this makes
sense but we are really having a hard time with this. If it is too
difficult to be written I can be contacted at 630/587-7098. Thanks.

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We are new to eManufacturing. We are on version 5.0 and just getting
started. We are struggling with setting up our workcenters. We have
12 presses. Certain parts can only be run on certain presses. Some
parts can be run on an alternate press but not all parts. It would
appear we need a unique operation and a unique workcenter for each
part. If that is true then we might end up with 60 workcenters. How
would the schedule know how to schedule the jobs based on the fact
there there are still only 12 presses? I don't know if this makes
sense but we are really having a hard time with this. If it is too
difficult to be written I can be contacted at 630/587-7098. Thanks.
We are new to eManufacturing. We are on version 5.0 and just getting
started. We are struggling with setting up our workcenters. We have
12 presses. Certain parts can only be run on certain presses. Some
parts can be run on an alternate press but not all parts. It would
appear we need a unique operation and a unique workcenter for each
part. If that is true then we might end up with 60 workcenters. How
would the schedule know how to schedule the jobs based on the fact
there there are still only 12 presses? I don't know if this makes
sense but we are really having a hard time with this. If it is too
difficult to be written I can be contacted at 630/587-7098. Thanks.
We are a rubber manufacturer with almost identical conditions. What we have
done is to make each machine its own workcenter, then as you build your BOM
for each part we reference that workcenter. MANY of our product have to be
run on a specific machine, but that machine can run many products.

Shirley Graver
(End User)
Sys Admin
Rubber associates Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: lheisey@... [mailto:lheisey@...]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 9:52 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Visual Scheduling and workcenters

We are new to eManufacturing. We are on version 5.0 and just getting
started. We are struggling with setting up our workcenters. We have
12 presses. Certain parts can only be run on certain presses. Some
parts can be run on an alternate press but not all parts. It would
appear we need a unique operation and a unique workcenter for each
part. If that is true then we might end up with 60 workcenters. How
would the schedule know how to schedule the jobs based on the fact
there there are still only 12 presses? I don't know if this makes
sense but we are really having a hard time with this. If it is too
difficult to be written I can be contacted at 630/587-7098. Thanks.

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We do the same thing as Shirley said for specific machines that are quite
unique for one reason or another. But we also have a series of Engine Lathes
with several Operators where it doesn't really matter which actual machine is
doing the work. So all the Engine Lathes are just one WorkCenter
(called...Engine Lathe). Works fine for us.

Oh, I would also suggest that you enter a few different names and
descriptions of WorkCenters as well as Operations and then print out the Job
Travelers to see what it looks like. We found that many of the things that
we normally called stuff we do was sort of a hybrid of these names. I ended
up changing the Traveler all around (big pain) but it was really worth it.
On our Certification audit for ISO-9001 the auditor described our Job
Traveler as "world class" (blush - ah shucks).

So don't be in a big rush to figure out your new'll be with it
forever. try to have fun with it!!

Good Luck.

Rick Gors

lheisey@... wrote:

> We are new to eManufacturing. We are on version 5.0 and just getting
> started. We are struggling with setting up our workcenters. We have
> 12 presses. Certain parts can only be run on certain presses. Some
> parts can be run on an alternate press but not all parts. It would
> appear we need a unique operation and a unique workcenter for each
> part. If that is true then we might end up with 60 workcenters. How
> would the schedule know how to schedule the jobs based on the fact
> there there are still only 12 presses? I don't know if this makes
> sense but we are really having a hard time with this. If it is too
> difficult to be written I can be contacted at 630/587-7098. Thanks.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

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