Wacky Acrobat issue

Solved the problem... turns out that when we upgraded from 9.04 to 9.05 last month, the old Epicor904 client folder did not get deleted from his local drive. Once I deleted that, it works as normal.

Go figure.

Ernie Lowell

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Elizabeth" <gracefulthreads@...> wrote:
> 9.05.702A SQL
> We've just started scanning our AP invoices, and I've got it set up so when the check run happens, all my CFO has to do is open a dashboard, select the check date, and the list of checks with all associated invoices comes up... when he selects an invoice the scanned PDF displays.
> When either our AP clerk or I do this, the PDF file opens within Epicor just like any other attached PDF file. However, when my CFO does it, his computer opens an external Adobe Acrobat session to display the file.
> The document association for extension PDF has AcroRd32.exe "%1". All three of us (CFO, AP Clerk, myself) do NOT have the Acrobat reader installed but instead the full boat Acrobat 9.0 Standard (with updates), and therefore do not have a file on our computer AcroRd32.exe. We are all three running Windows 7.
> It's got to be a setting in Acrobat (or in Windows that Acrobat set on installation). My next step is to uninstall/reinstall Acrobat ... but if that doesn't work has anyone seen this before?
> Thanks,
> Ernie Lowell
> Diba Industries
9.05.702A SQL

We've just started scanning our AP invoices, and I've got it set up so when the check run happens, all my CFO has to do is open a dashboard, select the check date, and the list of checks with all associated invoices comes up... when he selects an invoice the scanned PDF displays.

When either our AP clerk or I do this, the PDF file opens within Epicor just like any other attached PDF file. However, when my CFO does it, his computer opens an external Adobe Acrobat session to display the file.

The document association for extension PDF has AcroRd32.exe "%1". All three of us (CFO, AP Clerk, myself) do NOT have the Acrobat reader installed but instead the full boat Acrobat 9.0 Standard (with updates), and therefore do not have a file on our computer AcroRd32.exe. We are all three running Windows 7.

It's got to be a setting in Acrobat (or in Windows that Acrobat set on installation). My next step is to uninstall/reinstall Acrobat ... but if that doesn't work has anyone seen this before?


Ernie Lowell
Diba Industries