Wanted: AUOM Tech Ref Guide?

Is there really no Technical Reference Guide for Advanced Units of Measure Module?

This is easily one of the more complicated feature sets to setup and both the embedded help and Learning Center content are poor quality, IMO.

Not a lot out there:
Two KB articles I found, but could only load one:
KB0106415, KB0108890
AUOM Slideshow

Did you look at the UOM Principles and Setup Technical Reference Guide? I have not looked at it, so not sure.

Yes, AUOM is very complex and not very forgiving. Ask any questions you want here and we can hopefully help you out.

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As @jkane noted:

UOM Principles and Setup Technical Reference Guide

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Thanks. Yeah that doc is vanilla UOM. The only reference to Dynamic Attributes I find in the docs are in the context of Configurator.
No wonder everyone we talk to that uses AUOM either flailed through it or hired epicor pro services direct to set it up. Sad.

Not a tech reference, but it does have some useful info.

Just curious, what industry are you looking to implement AUOM in?

AdvancedUnitOfMeasureCoursePDF.pdf (713.2 KB)

Thanks John for the offer to help. I’ve seen your posts in other threads such as this one:

in which you said:

We are leaning toward the same outcome as recommended by another Epicor client that deals with metal plate to whom we’ve talked.

The main issue that has us feeling like we’re missing something is that we’re looking at needing a unique Dynamic Attribute Class per Part which seems excessive and not very ‘dynamic’.

We want to cost in pounds but do theoretical calculations in square inches so that the DynamicAttribute classes are reusable.

Is it true all three need the same base UOM:

  1. Part Master IUM,
  2. theoretical attribute base,
  3. actual attribute base?

More detail:
We have Part Masters by Alloy and Thickness having IUM: LB (because we cost in pounds)
Our understanding is that means the base UOM (theoretical and actual) for DynAttrClass must be LB. So we have:
LEN: decimal
WID: decimal
THK: decimal (defaulted on part master)
MTL: combo (alloy code - defaulted from part master)
STD: theoretical (full sheet sizes for POSuggetions (ie: 48x96, 60x120, etc)
WEIGHT: actual calculated (=len * wid * thk * density(hardcoded w case stmt by MTL)

This is working properly for PO Suggestions so I believe we’re on the right track.

The issue is, since we cost in LB, our IUM is LB, thus the conversions on the STD theoretical attribute are in LB requiring classes be unique per Alloy/Thickness.

I feel like I’m missing something that would enable the theoretical calculation to be in square inches so we could reuse the class because thickness and density are dynamic. I’m concerned this may become a maintenance headache considering much is locked upon first use.

Perhaps I’m misunderstanding something. :man_shrugging:


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No. They can all be different if you set up a Dual UOM Class.

What are you selecting for the Calculation Type on the Dynamic Attribute Class?

I’m a year and a half removed from that company, so need to do some thinking on how we did it. I know we did not have a Class per part though, just need to jog my memory.


Thanks for your reply. CalcExpression is the class type. I haven’t seen either the behavior of each class type or Dual Class adequately explained with respect to AUOM.

Hmmm. Reviewing my notes I see the following findings:


  • UOM must be in Part UOM Class
  • must be combobox


  • UOM must be same as theoretical
  • must be integer or decimal

Dual UOM Class:

  • must be same base as Part UOM Class Base

Planning Base(?):

  • must be same as Part UOM Class Base

I might have gotten confused with planning base and theoretical in my testing.

Back to the drawing board…

I believe I tried the following but will-do again. One thing I don’t understand yet is how the Dual UOM Class on the Part Master can convert using a part-specific conversion. Do those UOMs show up in the Part UOMs list just the same as those from the main UOM class?

Part UOM Class(type: other):

  • SI (part specific, SI\LB factor)
  • LB (base)

Dual UOM Class:

  • LB (base)
  • SI (HOW? part-specific here too?)


  • LEN: decimal
  • WID: decimal
  • THK: decimal (defaulted on part master)
  • MTL: combo (alloy code - defaulted from part master)
  • STD: theoretical (SI): full sheet sizes for POSuggetions (ie: 48x96, 60x120, etc)
  • AREA(SI): actual calculated (=len * wid)
  • WEIGHT(LB): calculated, final expression (=area * thk * density)
