1. A BPM could fix the problem on the discounts.
2. Changing the decimal points for cost - there is a fix for that, call support they should be able to help you out. I believe that the number is 1863926ESC.
Bruce Larson
Senior Solution Architect
alternative Technology Partners
Web Site: www.alttechpartners.com
Cell: (763) 486-0030
Fax: (763) 447-3571
Email: bruce.larson@...
2. Changing the decimal points for cost - there is a fix for that, call support they should be able to help you out. I believe that the number is 1863926ESC.
Bruce Larson
Senior Solution Architect
alternative Technology Partners
Web Site: www.alttechpartners.com
Cell: (763) 486-0030
Fax: (763) 447-3571
Email: bruce.larson@...
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Len Hartka" <len.hartka@...> wrote:
> Good Day:
> RE: WE ARE LIVE in 9.05.601B -- Discount Disappear in 601B
> Sun went live on 11/29
> in Epicor 9, 9.05.601B SQL-Unidata
> Sun was previously on M2K (Manage-2000) 7.0 SP 5 (Informix)
> FYI.
> 1. In Sales entry, if customer has a discount, it disappears for all
> lines when you enter a new line and enter the Part#.
> We have a hot fix, but have not applied it yet.
> 2. We discovered that we set decimal places to 2 instead of 4 places. In
> M2k that was a real problem to change - has anyone done it in V8 or E9?
> Going live was rather ugly - lots of things came up that we missed
> in Pilots. We came across more bugs in the software, users gone wild,
> etc.
> Keying in Open items took very, very long time.
> BPM's had problems in the 'real' world.
> Insite\Manifest failed completely - got a hot fix today.
> But, 4 days later, we are functional and should be close to normal
> by Tuesday, with a LOT of loose ends, and lots of luck.
> Len
> **************************************************************
> Sun Automation Group
> Celebrating
> 25 Years of Service
> to the Corrugated Industry
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