Weird issue on my customized report

Hi Everyone,

I’m facing a weird issue on my customized PO report and am out of ideas on how to troubleshoot it. Appreciate if someone can shed some light on this.

Line and release with quantity and unit price as 1.


However, report shows the following:


  1. Data is correct in the database, PODetail and PORel
  2. Printing the base report will display the data correctly
  3. Duplicating the PO, re-print the report using the same customized report will display the data correctly
  4. Creating a new PO using the exact same data, the report will display the data correctly as well
  5. Issue happen once in a bluemoon

Any idea on where else can I check on this? :slight_smile:

My assumption would be that the example you provided is a PO with 4 lines or 4 releases on it and that the SSRS report you customized is grouping the data in a way that provides that outcome.

For your example, are there multiple lines and/or releases?


This happens to me all the time!


it’s just a single line

:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: seriously?

Is this a customized report coming from a BAQ?