@CTCharlie, Auto Receive works for JobMtl & Stock, if it’s an Order demand it only get revealed from the job via Customer Shipment.
@ckrusen, I was thinking it was the order they were added as well, but I would think that would mean there would be a sequence type field related to the JobProd records, like 10, 20, 30, etc… But I don’t see one.
I’m trying to create labels at End Activity that prints where the parts are heading next. It’s slightly complicated if there are multiple demand links and partial qty reported.
Since parts to an order can’t be auto-received, does Epicor leave that demand for last or reserve that qty…
JobProd has ProdQty, ReceivedQty, & ShippedQty, so I can do the needed math, but would like to match what Epicor is doing…
Are you even sure that it affects Job for Mtl jobs?
Here’s the help:
Auto Receive into Inventory
Indicates whether labor or receipt transactions against this operation will create automatic receipts to inventory. If you use this feature, this receipt updates the quantity on hand on the part record. The process is triggered when you post labor quantities against this operation that exceed the quantities required for the sales order.
Note the emphasis (mine). That implies that the operation has to have been for at leastthe qty’s on the order (I think maybe they ment job?)