What table/column is the "Allow Session Impersonation" field in the User Account Maintenance

The EpiBinding says in the User Account Maintenance form: User.CanImpersonate but when I query the erp.userfile I do not see any column with impersonate in it or anything close?

Please help!


The table you want is Ice.SysUserFile. The field is in there.

Like Nate said, there are two UserFiles. The “secured” one is Ice.SysUserFile. Erp.UserFile is a shadow copy with the security information stripped out.

As we get more into Kinetic, we’ll want to do the same thing the browser is doing and use REST (Ice.BO.UserFileSvc) to get content when appropriate. Here’s the layout of the Ice.UserFile.Tableset returned in a REST call. The nice thing here is it does any VIEWs for you that you’d have to do manually in a query. Also, proper security is applied.

UserID	string
User ID

Name	string
User Name

Address1	string
First address line

Address2	string
Second address line

City	string
City portion of the address

State	string
State portion of the address

ZIP	string
Postal code or zip code portion of the address

Country	string
Country portion of the address

OfficePhone	string
Office phone number

Phone	string
Home phone number

EMailAddress	string
User's e-mail address.

UserDisabled	boolean
Indicates if the user account has been disabled (turned off).

SecurityMgr	boolean
Indicates that the user account has security maintenance privileges.

CanChangeSaveSettings	boolean
Allow user to change save settings

SaveSettings	boolean
Save settings

CurComp	string
Represents the current or Last company logged on to by the user. This is used as default next time they log on.

PwdLastChanged	string($date-time)
Date that the password was last changed.

PwdExpiresDays	integer($int32)
Password expires x days after the password has been changed. Zero means the password does not automatically expire.

PwdExpires	string($date-time)
The date that the user account password expires.

PwdGrace	integer($int32)
The number of remaining grace logins.

GroupList	string
List of security groups the user belongs to.

CompList	string
List of companies the user has access to.

ViewFavoriteBar	boolean
Enable Favorite Bar

ViewStatusBar	boolean
Enable Status Bar

WinX	integer($int32)
Main menu X-position

WinY	integer($int32)
Main menu Y-position

CurFolderSeq	integer($int32)
Sequence number of the folder in focus

CurMenuID	string
MM=module, XX=MN,UP,LS,PC, and ZZZZ = number.

WinWidth	integer($int32)
Main menu width

WinHeight	integer($int32)
Main menu height

DispTips	boolean
Indicates if the user wants tips to be displayed during logon.

CanChangePassword	boolean
Whether the user can change their password.

LangNameID	string
Language ID

LastGraphType	string
The last type of Graph (Bar, 3D Bar, Line, etc.) used in the Schedule Load Graph program.

UseInternalWebBrowser	boolean
Indicates that the internal web browser should be used instead of using the OS registered browser.

AllowMultipleSessions	boolean
Allow user to start multiple sessions at the same time.

WebUser	boolean
Indicates that the user has Web interface privileges. When this is turned on, the write trigger maintains certain fields in the WebUser table. If this is never turned on, a corresponding WebUser doesn't exist. If this has been on, and is now turned off, the WebUser record is set to disabled, but not deleted.

ListViewMode	integer($int32)
This property determines the viewing mode of the ListView object. The ListView object supports viewing items in four different modes: Icon(0),SmallIcon(1), List(2) and Report(3). Only 0 1 and 3 are used

CanMaintainFavQueries	boolean
Whether the user can add/maintain Dashboard Queries on the favorites bar.

CanMaintainFavURLs	boolean
Whether the user can add/maintain Dashboard URLs on the favorites bar.

CanMaintainFavPrograms	boolean
Whether the user can add/maintain Windows Programs on the favorites bar.

CanCustomize	boolean
Whether the user can access customization screens.

ViewTreeOnly	integer($int32)
Whether to display the TreeView alone.

Timeout	integer($int32)
Time Out

CanPersonalize	boolean
Whether the user can personalize.

CanTranslate	boolean
Whether the user can translate.

CanEditCompAnnotations	boolean
Can this user edit Company level Help Annotations

CanEditUserAnnotations	boolean
Can this user edit user level Help Annotations

CanEditHelpLinks	string
Does this user get access to the HelpLink Editor

AutoStartMonitor	boolean
Does this user want the Monitor to Started when they log in. (replaces Config Setting)

MonitorPollingInterval	integer($int32)
How frequently (expressed as secounds) the Monitor will poll for results

FormOpenMode	string
Default form open behavior (Nil, Auto'S'earch, Auto'P'opulate) - (Replaces Config Setting)

EntConType	string
Enterprise Connection Type, Determines how the UI Behaves when Session information is changed and UI forms are already present (Nil, 'S'ingleSession, 'M'ultiSession) (Replaces Config Setting)

DashboardDeveloper	boolean
Allow user to open dashboards in developer mode

CanDesignQSearch	boolean
Allow user to design quick searches

RequireSso	boolean
Whether single sign-on (SSO) is required to log on.
Select this check box to indicate that this user has to use his/her operating system (Windows, Unix, and so on) logon information as the logon for Vantage.
Single Sign-On (SSO) is functionality that allows users to sign on (log in) to Vantage using the Login IDs and Passwords they use to log into their computer's operating system (for example Windows, Unix, Linux and so on). In other words, if SSO is enabled, users will not be presented with a Logon window when they click their Vantage icon; they will be taken directly to the application's main menu.

ViewStatusPanelUserID	boolean
Show User ID in status panel

ViewStatusPanelLanguage	boolean
Show language in status panel

ViewStatusPanelCompany	boolean
Show current company in status panel

ViewStatusPanelPlant	boolean
Show current Site in status panel

ViewStatusPanelServer	boolean
Show server name in status panel

ViewStatusPanelWorkstationID	boolean
Show workstation in status panel

DomainName	string
Name of the operating system domain into which this users logs in. Used when Require Single Sign on is enabled.

BPMAdvancedUser	boolean
Determines whether the user is allowed to use advanced development features of Business Process Management. The freeform editor requires knowledge of Progress 4GL programming and specific method operational working. Typically freeform options are used by Epicor custom programming or experienced programmers for advanced techniques not available through the wizard-like interface.

MaxGroupsFavorites	integer($int32)
Maximum number of favorite bar groups

MaxGroupsSystemMenu	integer($int32)
Maximum number of system menus

OSUserID	string
Operating system user ID.

CanTheme	boolean
Allow user to create themes

FormatCulture	string
Culture format

CanUseEntSearch	boolean
yes = the user can use enterprise searches

CanAccEpiEverywhere	boolean
Allow access to EWA

CanAcessMobile	boolean
Allow Acess to Mobile Office

StartMenuClient	string
Initial start Menu for the Client

StartMenuEWA	string
Initial Start Menu ID for EWA

StartMenuMobile	string
Initial Start Menu ID for Mobile

AdvBAQRights	boolean
Allow advanced BAQ designer rights

SecurityAccessOnly	boolean
Defines isthe uesr has Security Access Only

SolutionMgrCreate	boolean
Defines if is user can create a Solution using the Solution Manager

SolutionMgrInstall	boolean
Defines if a user can install Solutions using the Solution Manager

EntSearchURL	string
Enterprise Search URL

CanMaintQuickSearch	boolean
Whether the user can add/maintain Quick Searches.

UseDefaultEntSearch	boolean
Use Default Enterprise Search

UserAccessOnly	boolean

GlbCompSM	boolean
Global Company Security Manager
Allows a user on a Isolated-Company system to behave like a user on a regular system. Can be allowed to login to multiple companies and can apply changes that affect all companies. Used to maintain menus and global customizations or security.

BAQXCompany	boolean

LastLogOnAttempt	string($date-time)

CanImpersonate	boolean

ViewStatusPanelSolutionID	boolean

CanMaintPredictiveSearch	boolean

ThemeID	string

DisableTheming	boolean

SysRevID	integer($int64)
example: 0
Revision identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each write.

SysRowID	string($uuid)
example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Unique identifier for this row. The value is a GUID.

CanPublishLayout	boolean

DefaultLayoutID	string

CanViewDocStar	boolean

PwdChangeRequestOn	string($date-time)

ExternalIdentity	string

SSRSReportDesigner	boolean

DefaultHomepageLayoutID	string

AccessScopeID	string

IoTUser	boolean

IoTAdministrator	boolean

DMTUser	boolean

EVAUser	boolean

DefaultFormType	string

HideKineticToast	boolean

AdvancedConfiguratorUser	boolean
CanOverrideAllocPart	boolean
ClearPassword	boolean
If yes, the user will be able to enter a blank password and still get the prompt for new password.

ExpirePassword	boolean
If yes, the user will be forced to enter his or her current password before he or she will be prompted for the new password.

FailedAttempts	integer($int32)
IntegrationAccount	boolean
LockedOut	boolean
LockedOutUntil	string($date-time)
MobilePassword	string
PasswordBlank	boolean
set passwrod to blank

PasswordEmail	string
E-mail to send new password to

ShpTrackerIntMinute	integer($int32)
How often (in minutes) the user wants their shop tracker displays will be automatically refreshed.

UpdateWarning	string
UseCompression	boolean
AllowReq	boolean
Whether the user can be referenced as the requestor on a PO Requisition.

LangNameIDDescription	string
BitFlag	integer($int32)
RowMod	string

Number01	number($double)
example: 0

UD_SysRevID	string($byte)