When does "On Field Changed" expression run in configurator?

previously i was under the impression that using control 1’s on field changed expression to change the value of control 2 would not cause control 2’s on field expression to run. but changing control values through a UD method would cause their on field changed expression to run.

However, I am currently seeing inconsistent behavior where in some cases on field changed expressions are causing other on field changed expressions to run. can anybody tell me under what specific conditions an on field changed expression will run?

I don’t know the logic behind it, but I also have noticed its super inconsistent. I made 3 configurators, and I was frustrated with the development experience quite a lot. Its one of the reasons I am making the 4th configurator I am working on an external application that does the BOM/Methods/Materials via REST. That way I can use a higher quality development platform.

Sorry I can answer your question specifically.

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