As topic, I looked over different ways as below but no this info available? Shouldn’t ths info a must for any PO related data? Otherwise I need to enter into the menu of detail of each order and mannually maintain it into my report? Any one can help me really appreciate that! (I noticed this info is available in open purchase order’ report but I need all the orders including closed ones.)
I don’t know that there is an Out-of-the-Box report that would show ALL PO’s. If you want a report to show all PO’s, then you would probably need to build your own.
You should be able to build a pretty quick BAQ to pull the data and then push that out to a report, or a dashboard for online viewing.
All the pertinent PO data would be held on the POHeader, PODetail, PORel tables.
Add Vendor table, to get supplier data.
Add PurAgent if you want Buyer information (name, etc.)
If you need help with any steps to get what you’re looking for, just ask. We can certainly help guide and answer any questions.
Thanks a lot for the answer, can you share me the detail guides on how to build a quick BAQ to generate such a report?
Well, there a lot of steps to go through to get to the finished results… so, I would start with some reading and learning to get your feet under you.
If you have access to EpicWeb… I would start by going here:
There are a lot of available User Guides. If you scroll down a bit, there is one there called: Kinetic BAQ Designer User Guide 2024.1
I would recommend reading through that and following along with examples.
There should also be some online training videos and examples to experiment with in Epicor’s education site (Learning Center).
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Broad strokes:
You’ll first need to build your BAQ, pulling in whatever tables you need, making sure they’re joined correctly.
Then you’ll choose the fields from each table and add them as display columns.
Then “Analyze” the BAQ to see what kind of data is being returned.
I would start with that.
Once you have a functional query, then you can decide where/how you want to present the data (report/dashboard, etc.). If you’re querying ALL PO’s (open and closed) and want to see line item data, etc. Its going to be a LOT of results. That would end up being a longer and longer report over time. So, keeping it digital may be the best route.
I’m using the “Classic” BAQ designer in my screen shots above where the Guide is going to walk you through the Kinetic screens. If you’re new to this, I would focus on learning the Kinetic screens as that is ultimately where Epicor is going to go.
And again, highly recommend doing some online training via Epicor’s Learning Center and reading through the User Guides.
You can also search the forum here for tips & tricks if you get hung up anywhere.
Great, thank you so much for your patience and guidance, I will definitely take my time to study these material and to see what I can do. Thank you!